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Gardening Help & Advice - Jacksons Nurseries

Monthly Gardening Jobs

There's always something to be done in the garden no matter what time of the year it is. In these useful guides we recommend what jobs you can focus on each month, ranging from planting bare root shrubs and trees in the winter to weeding, pruning and trimming in April and even harvesting fruit from your fruit trees and bushes in September-October.


January Gardening Jobs

January Gardening Jobs

If you are itching to get out there, but cant see the soil for the snow, take time to plan ahead. You may only be able to venture into your garden to clear the snow, but there are lots of jobs we should be doing to keep our gardens in good condition.


February Gardening Jobs

February Gardening Jobs

Start thinking about deadheading winter flowering shrubs and hardy plants, winter pruning fruit trees, dividng congested perennials, lifting faded snowdrops, hoeing flowerbeds, sowing seeds, mulching plants and planting bare root shrubs.

March Gardening Jobs

March Gardening Jobs

It's not too late to be planting bare root trees, hedging and shrub & you can also be raking and tidying your lawn, removing faded flower heads from spring bulbs, planting early vegetable varieties and putting pond fountains back into place.

April Gardening Jobs

April Gardening Jobs

April is the time to keep on top of garden weeds, mulch your plants, repair frost damage to the lawn, prune and trim early flowering shrubs, sow hardy annuals, support climbing roses and clean out bird baths, bird houses & bat boxes.


May Gardening Jobs

May Gardening Jobs

Temperatures are starting to rise but there can still be frosted in some areas. Keep an eye on your local weather forecasts and remember to protect plants which need help such as hanging baskets and early blossoms on fruit trees and fruit bushes.


June Gardening Jobs

June Gardening Jobs

Jobs for June include cutting back early flowering perennials to encourage a second flush of blooms, protecting fruits such as strawberries, cutting the lawn, keeping your plants well watered and collecting seeds from flowered plants.


July Gardening Jobs

July Gardening Jobs

In July you can start to check whether soft fruit is ready to be harvested, pinch out growth tips on tomatoes, keep up the watering, trim hedges, feed your lawn and paint woodwork such as fences and sheds whilst the weather is dry.


August Gardening Jobs

August Gardening Jobs

The holiday season is when you might need to enlist the help of friends and family to keep on top of the watering, particularly for containerised plants which will dry out more quickly. Harvest fruit & vegetables and check for blackspot on roses.


September Gardening Jobs

September Gardening Jobs

Maincrop potatoes will be ready to harvest and you can continue to pick applies, pears, raspberries and blackberries. Fill gaps from summer bedding with hardy perennials or bulbs and keep on top of the lawn maintenance.


October Gardening Jobs

October Gardening Jobs

In October, cut back perennials that have started to die down, divide congested clumps of perennials, prune climbing roses after flowering, harvest the last of the remaining fruit, clean the lawn of fallen leaves and move tender plants indoors.


November Gardening Jobs

November Gardening Jobs

As winter starts to creep up on us, move the last of your frost tender plants indoors, plant out spring flowering bulbs, start planning to plant any bare root hedging or shrubs you need, mulch hardy perennials & apply grease bands around fruit trees.


December Gardening Jobs

December Gardening Jobs

Prune Japanese acer, birches and vines on a frost-free day, harvest winter parsnips, leeks and cabbages, bring container-grown herbs indoors, prune apple and pear trees and keep bird feeders well topped with with fresh seeds.



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