Slow growing hedging plants
Browse our selection of the best slow growing hedging plants, including varieties such as aucuba, box hedging, holly, rhododendrons and yew plants. One benefit of slow growing hedging is that it requires less pruning, making it less labour intensive and low maintenance. They’re perfect for gardeners who want a privacy screen without having to worry about it getting too high, too fast or requiring a lot of work to keep it under control. All of our slow growing hedging has a growth rate of 30cm per year or less. Larger leaved varieties tend to have a slightly more open growth habit but slow growing doesn’t have to mean informal or unkept. Slower growing varieties with a compact habit and the smaller leaves of box plants and yew are well suited to more formal style gardens, maintaining their sharp lines with a light clipping just once or twice a year. Box hedging is a popular choice with glossy, evergreen foliage, a compact habit and growth rate of 10-15cm per year. It works well as a low hedge, to edge paths and walkways or to create a knot garden and makes a great foil for showier flowering plants. Holly is a British native with glossy, spiky evergreen leaves, producing beautiful red berries in the winter and a great habitat for birds and other wildlife. Alternatively, purple berberis is a spiny shrub ideal for intruder proof hedging and produces beautiful yellow flowers followed by red berries.