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Plants with berries

Browse our full range of plants with berries, which may make a beautiful ornamental display, provide a valuable food source for wildlife, or (in the case of fruit bushes) provide a bountiful crop for the gardener to enjoy themselves! Fruit bushes are perhaps the berrying plant that first comes to mind for most people. There is nothing better than enjoying the taste of your very own, home grown soft fruits, tasting far better than anything you'll find on the supermarket shelves. Fruit plants are surprising easy to grow and incredibly rewarding come harvest time. They can be grown in the border, a container, grow bag or even a hanging basket in some cases. Berrying shrubs are perfect for adding colour and interest to beds, borders and containers – aucuba, berberis, cotoneaster, holly and pyracantha are some of the best. Berrying trees such as sorbus hold their beautiful, glossy fruits high up in the canopy for all to see, while yew plants have fleshy red berries and works well as a tightly clipped, formal hedge or to create topiary shapes such as pyramids, spirals and cones. Berrying plants are perfect for attracting and sustaining wildlife in the garden, making a well-loved food source for nesting birds in particular. Just be mindful that some berries, yew being one example, are poisonous to humans, pets and livestock.

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