Roses comprise a mix of erect shrubs, climbers and scramblers, typically armed with sharp thorns used for hanging onto other vegetation as they grow over it, which makes them intruder proof. Widely known for their beauty and fragrance, most bear an abundance of large, showy flowers above pinnate leaves with serrated margins. There is a rose for every purpose in a wide range of colours, from low ramblers to high hedges and small miniatures to wall or arbour-covering giants. Flowering from late May well into winter, they can be grown in borders, beds or patio containers for a magnificent summer display.
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Roses comprise a mix of erect shrubs, climbers and scramblers, typically armed with sharp thorns used for hanging onto other vegetation as they grow over it, which makes them intruder proof. Widely known for their beauty and fragrance, most bear an abundance of large, showy flowers above pinnate leaves with serrated margins. There is a rose for every purpose in a wide range of colours, from low ramblers to high hedges and small miniatures to wall or arbour-covering giants. Flowering from late May well into winter, they can be grown in borders, beds or patio containers for a magnificent summer display.
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