Given the declining populations of many British wildlife species, including hedgehogs, bats and bees, wildlife friendly plants which create a haven for wildlife in your own garden have never been more important. With very little extra effort, a wildlife friendly garden will provide you with the opportunity to watch native wildlife up close at your leisure, whilst also keeping unwanted pests at bay.
For butterflies, plant large groups of nectar-rich varieties which flower at the same time; red, orange, purple, pink and yellow flowers with short flower tubes or flat tops are best. Bees love plants with striking colours and fragrances, elaborately shaped petals and ample nectar, preferably with different flowers close together. Anemone and Chives plants are both good choices. Native hedging such as holly plants provide essential cover and corridors that join up green spaces for small mammals, whilst night-scented plants such as Buddleia are great for moths, which in turn are a feast for bats. Bird tables or bird boxes, positioned near to prickly bushes to deter unwanted predators and away from places where cats can get to easily, are the best way to attract birds. Dense evergreen trees, conifers, clematis and honeysuckle climbers also offer shelter for nesting.
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