Shop All Flower Seeds

Shop our full range of flower seeds, including all of your favourite varieties such as cosmos, marigold, nigella, pansy, sunflower and sweet peas and some unusual ones too. Growing flowers from seed is a great cost-effective way of filling your borders, beds and contains, whether you’re creating an informal, cottage style or something more formal. It’s also immensely rewarding to see your own sowings develop into beautiful blooms and provide the perfect opportunity to spend time outdoors and benefit our physical and mental health. Our range of “Little Growers” flower seeds for kids are a fun and interesting way for your little ones to explore nature, while nectar-rich flowers such as those our Unwin’s “Nature’s Haven” range are well suited to attracting lots of bees, butterflies, hoverflies and other beneficial insects. Remember: annuals are flowers that last one year, performing their entire life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single growing season with all roots, stems and leaves dying annually. Hardy annual seeds will stand up to the cold and can be sown outdoors, while half hardy annuals are frost tender, meaning they should be started indoors and planted out when the risk of frost has passed. Biennials last two years, typically flowering in the second year, and perennials survive for many growing seasons.

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