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Shop all soft fruit bushes

Shop our full range of fruit bushes, from blackberries to whitecurrants and grapes to strawberries. At Jackson’s, we’re passionate about growing fruit – there is nothing more rewarding than growing your own soft fruit, harvesting the fresh crops straight off the bush and having them in the kitchen within a matter of minutes. Not only do they taste better than anything you’ll find on the supermarket shelves, these productive ornamentals will enliven your garden borders with flowers, fruit and, often, beautiful autumn foliage colours. Consider building soft fruit bushes, canes and vines into your planting schemes to add a different twist to borders, attract wildlife to the garden and of course provide a supply of rich, succulent, juicy fruits. We recommend picking at least a few different types and varieties so you have something to pick throughout the harvesting season. By choosing carefully, you can produce a bountiful crop even in the smallest of town gardens. We’re encouraging everyone to give it a try and join the ‘grow your own’ revolution! Beginners may find out guide to soft fruit bushes, canes and vines and our suite of articles on growing your own fruit useful.

Buy Blackberry Merton Thornless online from Jacksons Nurseries.
Freshly Potted*
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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Bare root pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
Buy Blueberry - Vaccinium 'pink lemonade' online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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2 Litre pot

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