Best plants to grow with children

Gardening is an excellent way for children to start experiencing nature and the great outdoors. Many kids will be naturally inquisitive about plants and flowers, how they can grow from seed and how wildlife interact with them. The best plants for kids are the ones they want and choose to grow themselves. But it doesn’t hurt to guide them in the right direction and there are certain varieties that are easy to grow for beginners and show a return on effort by way of beautiful flowers or interesting new shoots within a relatively short time that often work well. Flower seeds and vegetable seeds both make good choices, as do certain flowering perennials, easy fruits like strawberry plants, herbs and lavender. Even certain shrubs like buddleia (commonly known as butterfly bush) can work well, as the little ones are bound to be intrigued by how many butterflies they can attract on their long, nectar-rich flowers!

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