Easy to Grow Vegetable Seeds

Growing your own fruit and vegetables from seed is easier than you might think. Some of the best easy to grow vegetables include salad leaf seeds, radishes, peas, onions, broad beans, tomatoes, runner beans and beetroot. Salad leaves grow well in pots, simply keep them well watered and harvest regularly as required. Most salad leaf varieties will provide a continuous crop right through to October. Radishes make a delicious, crunchy and colourful addition to any salad. Sow them straight outdoors, directly into the ground between March and August and they’ll be ready to crop in as little as 30 days. Peas are ideal particularly for cooler northern parts of the UK, easy to sow directly into the ground with a framework of branches or canes to climb up. Keep picking ripe pods to encourage your pea plants to produce more delicious crops. Spring onions are sown between March and July and are easy to grow in pots or the ground, perfect for adding a tangy crunch to a salad or stir fry. Broad beans are a classic British vegetable, delicious steamed as part of a hearty meal or served cold with a salad. Sow them between April and July and they’ll be ready to harvest within 2 months. Tomato seeds are fast growing and will succeed  in grow bags, pots or hanging baskets, while beetroot should be sown into moist soil and thinned to 5cm apart.

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