Shrubs with winter berries

Berrying shrubs are perfect for bringing colour and interest to the winter garden or container displays when little else is in bloom and most planting schemes are desperate for a much-needed injection vibrancy and cheer. Shrubs in berry such as Skimmia and Gaultheria look fabulous in potted arrangements, either standalone or as a centre-piece surrounded by winter bedding. Berries on shrubs in slightly more secluded parts of the garden are well-loved by birds and wildlife, providing a valuable source of sustenance over the colder months of the year. Stems of plants such as holly studded with berries can be selectively cut and brought indoors as part of festive bundles of decorative foliage – combining particularly well with pussy willow and eucalyptus for a rustic display.

Buy Callicarpa magical snowstar (Beauty Berry) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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2-4 Litre pot
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Buy Cornus kousa var chinensis 'China Girl' (Chinese Dogwood) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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Buy Cornus Eddies White Wonder  (Red-barked Dogwood) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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2 Litre pot
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