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Armeria plants

Armeria are tuft-forming, evergreen perennials producing dense clusters of small, cup-shaped pink, white, red or purple flowers from May to July. The blooms are produced on long stems above a mat-forming mass of lance-shaped or needle-like foliage, useful for ground cover, edging and flowers borders. Drought tolerant, unfussy and trouble tree, their nectar-rich flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and hoverflies, making them perfect for the wildlife garden too. Commonly known as sea thrift, Armeria is an alpine native to cliffs and sea shores, succeeding even poor soils providing the ground does not lie wet. They work well in pots and as part of container displays – just remember to water regularly as they’ll dry out more quickly than their counterparts in the border. Dead head faded flowers to prolong the flowering period.

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9cm pot
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9cm pot
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9cm pot
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9cm pot

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