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Hanging Basket Tips

Hanging baskets a easy and cost effective was to add some colour to the outside of your house if you don't have a garden. Here are our tips on how to perfect your hanging baskets:

  • Plant summer baskets in late April after the worst of the frosts but be prepared to provide protection from any late frosts until late May.  If you don’t have a greenhouse, plant them up around the end of May. If you want to catch the first summer display but don’t have a green house, ask your garden centre to make them up for you because they will ‘bring them on’ in a polytunnel so that they are ready to hang at the end of May. Hanging Baskets can be used to provide all year round interest. Planted with hardy flowers and tough evergreens, they can provide much needed autumn and winter interest too.
  • Select the right hanging basket for your planting purpose. Wire mesh ones allow planting into the side of the basket by re arranging the moss or fibre liner. Plastic and rattan baskets insulate against the wind. Rattan look pretty, but are more difficult to plant in to the sides.
  • Once you’ve chose your baskets, prepare the inside. To prevent too much water from draining away, use a small plastic liner to allow the basket to hold a reserve of water without becoming water logged.


Hanging basket


  • Select the plants you want to create your beautiful baskets. To arrange your plants, it often works best to start with one central plant, a Cordyline, Skimmia or Begonia work well. Then position a combination of colourful flowers and dramatic trailing plants. It’s always best to choose the most reliable flowerers and combine colours which work well together such as Fuchsia, Lobelia, Pansies, Primulas and Ivy. For winter baskets, try winter Pansies, Heathers and/or dwarf conifers and under plant with spring bulbs such as dwarf tulips, snowdrops and narcissus to create a beautiful display in the spring.
  • If the weather is hot and dry, water your baskets well and hang in the shade for a day or so. During cold and damp conditions, wait until it warms up before giving them a thorough watering. In warm conditions, check your baskets every day to make sure they are well watered to avoid the risk of drying out. Aim to keep them moist but not soggy.
  • Deadhead regularly to courage repeat new flowers and enjoy a beautiful display of colour throughout the season ahead.

We also offer a hanging basket and planter service if you live locally to us. Contact us for details on 01782 502078


Hanging basket red flowers



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