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Buy Calluna Vulgaris ‘Easter-Bonfire’ (Heather) online from Jacksons Nurseries.

Calluna vulgaris Easter-Bonfire

Scots Heather

87 item(s)

At a Glance

This scotch heather is a small evergreen shrub native to moors, hillsides and heaths throughout Europe and Siberia, Turkey and Morocco. Grown for its striking yellow and red tips the Calluna vulgaris 'Easter-Bonfire' is a stand out variety.

It generally dislikes hot, humid weather and is not recommended for planting in such climates. The calluna vulgaris performs best in full sun, and should not be exposed to strong winds. Older shrubs can become leggy and unkempt, and should be subjected to an annual pruning in spring. Watch out for root rot, particularly in warmer weather.

Buying Heathers from Jacksons Nurseries

Unlike many garden centres, supermarkets and some nurseries here at Jacksons Nurseries we sell the majority of our stock all year round. Our stock is for the most part grown outdoors making it far hardier than those grown under glass and/or only sold ‘In Season’.

Here at Jacksons Nurseries we would favour a hardy outdoor grown plant every time. They are far less likely to suffer from the shock of being planted in colder conditions and they will begin to establish more rapidly the following spring. This can mean that they don’t look like a ‘picture perfect’ plant when purchased out of season but with the correct care and a little time you’ll have a wonderful plant to enjoy for many years to come.

10kg tub
Ready to use Helps build soil fertility Encourages strong, healthy growth Increases crop yield Nutrient Content - NPK 4-7-4 A...
Out of stock
9cm pot
This is an excellent heather, with beautiful spray of purple flowers in September, contrasting golden-green evergreen foliage in the summer, turning to a...
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9cm pot
This is a vibrant, evergreen cottage-garden variety with bright yellow spring new growth, turning to mint-green as it matures and taking on spectacular...
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£11.99 £9.99
2 Litre pot
Large, heart-shaped leaves appear in spring with the most beautiful silver dusting on them. 'Looking Glass' silver dusting is much denser than 'Jack Frost'...
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2-3 Litre pot
This is a delicious, juicy, heavy-cropping variety with a vigorous, upright habit and fresh, deciduous, light green, serrated leaves that take on striking...
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9cm pot
This is an excellent heather, with beautiful spray of purple flowers in September, contrasting golden-green evergreen foliage in the summer, turning to a...
In stock

2 Litre pot
Tall, wiry spikes of greenish-white flowers appear above the rosettes of hairy, deep green leaves in early summer. As the flowers age they take on a...
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Buy Calluna Vulgaris ‘Easter-Bonfire’ (Heather) online from Jacksons Nurseries. 9cm pot
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