Shrubs by Features

Shrubs are woody plants which form the foundation of most gardens, adding shape and structure to your planting schemes. There is a wide range to choose from boasting a range of seasonal features: flowers, colourful foliage, bright bark, thorny stems and leaves, berries and fruit. We recommend combining a mix of evergreen and deciduous shrubs in your garden. Evergreens retain their leaves all year round and provide permanent structure and year-round foliage colour, while deciduous varieties will offer you the autumnal interest that no garden should be without. Shrubs have a huge array of uses spanning ground cover, dense bushy varieties for hedging plants, compact evergreens for topiary and wildlife attracting plants. They are undemanding and easy to grow. Containerised shrubs can be planted any time of year providing the ground is not frozen or waterlogged, while bare root and root balled shrubs are planted between mid-October and the end of March.

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