Rose bushes for containers

Shop our range of the best rose bushes for growing in pots and containers. Roses are fabulous plants for growing in pots, tubs, urns or any other deep container you can lay your hands on that will accommodate their long, tap roots. Most roses are suitable for containers, just so long as the container is large enough to sustain the size of your chosen variety – for smaller pots, patio roses and miniature roses are best. Most gardeners find it easier to pot up roses in containers than grow them in the open ground, making it simple to experiment with different styles and combinations. They’re particularly useful in smaller gardens or where space is limited, such as on a terrace, patio, small courtyard garden or even an urban balcony. This section includes a mix of floribunda, hybrid tea, climbing, patio and bush roses. Floribunda is Latin for "many flowering", representing a group of roses that bear many flowers held in large clusters that bloom continuously from summer through to late autumn. Hybrid tea roses produce large, shapely flowers from high-centred buds on long, straight stems, making them well suited for using as cut flowers. Climbing roses are an excellent way of introducing height to the garden alongside beautiful flowers and often a fabulous fragrance, while patio roses do not normally exceed 45-55cm and smaller roses of less than 45cm are classed as miniatures.

Buy Rosa National Trust (Hybrid Tea) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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3-4 Litre pot
3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Pascali online from Jacksons Nurseries Save 31%
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£12.99 £8.99
3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Peach Melba from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Poustinia online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Precious Memories (Hybrid Tea Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Precious Platinum (Hybrid Tea Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries
3-4 Litre pot
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Buy Rosa Princess of Wales (Celebration Floribunda Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries Save 31%
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£12.99 £8.99
3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Remember Me(Standard Hybrid Tea Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries
7-10 Litre pot* (Standard/100cm stem)
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