Edible plants for gifts

Browse our selection of the best fruit trees and fruit bushes, which make the perfect edible plant gifts for your friends, family and loved ones. If your recipient has the space, fruit trees make wonderful presents. There is nothing more rewarding than growing and harvesting ones own apples, cherries, figs, pears, plums and damsons. Alternatively, for something more compact, fruit bushes can be grown in the border or containers with self-fertile varieties even working well as standalone specimens on balconies in urban locations. Our soft fruit range includes blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries and redcurrants. Home-grown fruit is fresher and sweeter than anything you’ll find on the supermarket shelves. Self-fertile trees will produce fruit without the need for another tree to pollinate them. Other trees need to be paired with a second tree from the same or an adjacent pollination group to get the best crop. A helpful alternative to growing several trees is to choose a “family” apple tree which has 3 different varieties grafted onto a single rootstock. Delivery couldn’t be easier – plants are sent by courier throughout the UK. All gifts can be accompanied by a personalised, hand-written card.

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Bare root pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
Buy Blueberry - Vaccinium 'pink lemonade' online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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2 Litre pot
Buy Cherry - Prunus cerasus Morello online from Jacksons Nurseries
Freshly Potted*
Potted / Colt
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FAN Potted / COLT
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Potted / Colt
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Freshly Potted*
Potted / Colt
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2 Litre pot
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Buy Damson - Prunus insititi Farleigh Prolific online from Jacksons Nurseries
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Potted / St. Julien A

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