Shop all fast growing plants

In this section you can choose from our full range of fast growing plants, perfect for the impatient gardener who is looking to make an area look good in a hurry. These vigorous growers will quickly fill out in the border, cover a wall, coalesce as a hedge or screen, start producing delicious fruits in the kitchen garden or simply allow a newly planted plot to develop and look well-established more rapidly. These brisk growers tend to flower sooner as well, creating an impact much quicker than their slower growing counterparts. This “shop all” section includes our full array of fast growing bamboo, climbing plants, conifers, fruit bushes, fruit trees, roses, shrubs and trees. Just remember that the trade-off for their speedy growth is that they’ll need to be pruned or trimmed more frequently once they reach the desired height. Fast growing bamboos can also spread invasively beyond their desired bounds, so it’s normally best to install an impenetrable barrier around the roots, or be prepared to root prune to keep them in check. Most of our fast-growing plants are supplied in pots and can be planted at any time of the year, providing the ground is not frozen or waterlogged and it's not excessively windy. Some – where indicated – are supplied bare root, suitable for planting during the dormancy period between mid-October and the end of March.

Buy Berberis darwinii (Barberry) online from Jacksons Nurseries
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
In stock
10-15 Litre pot (150-180cm tall)
In stock
10-15 Litre pot (150-175cm tall)
10-15 Litre pot (150-175cm tall)
Out of stock
In stock
5-10 Litre pot (150-180cm tall)
Freshly Potted*
1.5-2 Litre pot
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Buy Blackberry Merton Thornless online from Jacksons Nurseries.
Freshly Potted*
In stock
2-3 Litre pot

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