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Arabis plants

Arabis is a beautiful herbaceous perennial with long-lasting spring blooms. Flowers are produced in loose racemes which clothe the entire plant, creating a fabulous display against the backdrop of evergreen leaves. Growing to around 15cm tall, Arabis is a popular choice for alpine and rockery gardens, edging or even growing in a container. It is also effective grown along the base of shrubs and hedges. Easy to grow, preferring a light, well-drained soil.

Choose Arabis Variegata for variegated evergreen foliage and brilliant white flowers; Arabis blepharophylla for compact, deep purple fuzzy foliage held in low rosettes and vibrant rose-purple flowers; and Arabis Hedi for matt-forming grey-green leaves and stunning pink flowers repeatedly from March through August.

Other white flowering varieties include Arabis Snowcap with its sweetly-scented blooms followed by long, narrow fruits; Arabis Old Gold with pronounced golden variegation in blotches around the edges of the leaves; and Arabis Variegata with stunning, small mid-green leaves which are splashed creamy-white in the centre and have attractive, bold creamy-white margins.

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9cm pot
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9cm pot
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9cm pot

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