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The Best Dwarf Conifers

Dwarf conifers are commonplace in many gardens with good reason. They help create a professional architectural look that is easy to achieve and cost effective whilst remaining low maintenance once established. Grown together in beds, rockery’s or individually in containers, dwarf conifers can be used to excellent effect creating a source of evergreen year round interest in shades of rich golden greens and yellows through to bright steely blues.


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Buy Abies balsamea 'Nana' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Abies balsamea 'Nana' is one of the most popular varieties of dwarf conifer. Its rounded growth habit and condensed branches create a healthy full looking specimen that is a great source of colour all year around. Unlike other similar varieties, ‘Nana’ has needles around each stem which helps to create a fuller appearance. Mature needles are a lush dark green colour all year around. New growth emerges bright green in spring highlighting the plant with a bright outer layer of colour.


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Buy Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' is a spreading conifer which provides ideal ground cover with its weeping foliage borne on long tresses. The individual needles are soft to the touch and appear bright blue-green throughout the year creating a constant source of uplifting colour.


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Buy Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' is a spreading conifer which provides ideal ground cover with its weeping foliage borne on long tresses. The individual needles are soft to the touch and appear bright blue-green throughout the year creating a constant source of uplifting colour.


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Buy Juniperus communis 'Compressa' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Juniperus communis 'Compressa' is considered one of the best of the dwarf conifers available offering a stunning narrow upright growth habit. Foliage is prickly and tightly packed from top to bottom creating a neat spire of blue-green colour throughout the year. This is an excellent variety that can be used punctuate a garden bed or rockery when planted among lower, wider spreading plants.


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Buy Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' is a low spreading dwarf conifer. It will eventually grow to be five times as wide as it is high making for an excellent source of ground cover. Foliage is short with needles of a silvery green colour with blue undersides. A purple tint develops over the foliage in the colder months creating a lush looking carpet against the duller winter palette.


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Buy Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Juniperus ‘Blue Star’ is a superb dwarf conifer with a compact growth habit. Its compact branches present attractive needles in a stunning silvery blue each with a distinctive white stripe. New growth emerges in a shade of powdery blue which creates a contrast against the more mature foliage. The imperfect rounded growth ensures further interest by creating an unusual star shape that stands out amongst other specimens.


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Buy Juniperus squamata 'Holger' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Juniperus squamata 'Holger' is an evergreen dwarf conifer that is unusually shaped as a result of the irregular branchlets growing out in all directions.  ‘Holger’ will form a condensed mound of prickly turquoise-green foliage with a grey hue once established. New growth initially appears a soft yellow colour which stands out vividly against the mature needles.


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Buy Picea glauca 'JW Daisy's White' online from Jacksons Nurseries

'JW Daisy's White' is an attractive and unusual looking dwarf conifer with a compact pyramidal shape and dense habit. New growth emerges a stunning daisy white colour that will brighten any garden especially in spring when development is most prolific. This new growth then matures to a rich green in summer which helps avoid sun damage. This variety retains its great colour all year creating interest throughout the seasons. 


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Buy Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' is an eye catching globe shaped dwarf conifer. The closely compacted foliage is presented on flattened sprays of emerald green with a glossy finish. In winter this foliage takes on a more autumnal bronzish hue. The overall shape of this variety makes it extremely popular for growing in containers and used to accentuate architectural features.


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Buy Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe' online from Jacksons Nurseries

‘Golden Globe’ is another naturally occurring globular shaped dwarf conifer. It has soft and attractive foliage comprised of twisted sprays in shades of soft yellow- green requiring no pruning to maintain. Over the winter months the evergreen foliage takes on warm shades of bronze and orange at the tips to further enhance its unique appearance.


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Buy Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' online from Jacksons Nurseries

Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' offers a vibrant colour all year round. Fan shaped, flat sprays of foliage emerge yellow with orange tips before maturing to bright golden yellow in summer. Finally it takes on a rich coppery gold hue on the more prominent branches over winter. 


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I agree. Measurements when planting need to be known before you plant them! Otherwise in a few years you need to dig them up and replace them.
Great job providing so much information on all the plants on your site. A simple click on anything I'm interested in gives me all the specifics I need, from mature height and spread to growth rate, along with a whole host of other information about each plant. I think this website is one of the best at providing information on their plants. Well done Jacksons Nurseries! :)
What a shame you've no measurements to the different varieties. I want very small very slow growing plants and this page was not helpful at all.
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