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Evergreen grass plants

Evergreens are plants that retain their leaves all year round, in contrast to deciduous plants which drop their leaves in the autumn and come back into leaf again in the spring. Evergreen grasses are perfect for adding year-round colour and interest to your garden. They provide the permanent framework, structure and texture to borders and containers. Evergreens may create a dazzling display in their own right or act as a foil or backdrop to showier plants. They tend to have slightly thicker, more architectural foliage with most whispy grasses normally being deciduous. Many evergreen grasses have variegated foliage with leaves edged in a contrasting colour or with multiple colours running along the length of the leaves. The notable exception is the ever-popular zebra grass with green foliage with bands of pale creamy-yellow running across each leaf at various points. Evergreen grasses often also produce beautiful flower spikes which may be light and feathery, bottle-brush like or erect, upright and architectural.

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