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Ginkgo trees (Maidenhair tree)

Ginkgo, also known as the Maidenhair tree, is one of the oldest living varieties of conifer, dating back around 250 million years. Native to China, they develop into large trees reaching up to 20-25 metres tall with an angular crown and long, slightly erratic branches. Young trees are often tall, slender and sparsely branched, filling out as they mature. Ginkgo are deciduous, well renowned for their stunning autumn foliage colours in rich shades buttery saffron yellow, often falling within the space of just a couple of weeks. They have broad, fan-shaped, split leaves with a distinctive prehistoric appearance, which dinosaurs would have nibbled on many years ago. Maidenhair trees make excellent specimens, growing best in full sun in a moist yet well drained soil. They’re deep rooted and resistant to wind and snow damage, succeeding in the wild along rocky slopes, cliff edges and stream banks. Ginkgo are remarkable tough; in fact, 6 ginkgos about 1-2km away from the site of the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima were among the few living things to survive the blast.

Buy ginkgo Biloba online from Jacksons Nurseries
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2-3 Litre pot (60-80cm)
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2-3 Litre pot

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