Our garden care and protection section mainly covers lawn care advice - split into general advice, moving, repairs, trimming and edging and how to keep your lawn looking good in the autumn. We also cover weeding, feeding, watering and frost protection.
Controlling weeds in your garden
Weeds are unwanted plants in your garden that reduce available growing space, nutrients, moisture and sunlight needed by your precious plants, as well as potentially providing cover for diseases.
Feeding and watering your plants
Plants, like all other living things, need a steady supply of food and water to stay healthy.
How to protect your plants from frost
Snow and hard frost are naturally characteristic of the winter months. Despite their wonder and splendour and the fun they brings for children, they can be a major problem for your treasured garden plants.
A beautiful lawn is at the heart of any garden. When it looks lush and green, it's the perfect complement to colourful beds and borders, whilst if it looks tired and drab it can significantly detract from the appearance of your home.
The "one-third rule" is the simplest and most fundamental rule of mowing - quite simply, do not cut more than one-third of the total height of your lawn in one go.
Drought, regular use, animal abuse and snow/ice in the winter are the most common causes of bare and dead patches in the lawn. Setting the depth on your mower too shallow is another easily avoided cause.
Lawn Care - Trimming and Edging
There are 2 different types of edges, open edges and closed edges, each with slightly different care requirements. Open edges are those which are exposed on one side, for example along the borders.
With the temperatures starting to fall and the weather starting to turn, autumn is the ideal time to get on top of your lawn care.
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