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Camellia plants

Camellias are acid-loving plants boasting flamboyant flowers in shades of pink, red and white above attractive, glossy evergreen foliage. The flowers come in a variety of forms ranging from single to fully double and anemone to rose and are produced in early spring for Camellia Japonica and late autumn for Camellia Sasanqua varieties. Camellias work equally well in the border or container, looking particularly beautiful on the patio. A common myth is that Camellias are fussy and difficult to grow - in fact, providing they're given the right site and situation, they're easy to grow and incredibly rewarding. Be sure to grow them in a humus-rich, acidic soil or ericaceous compost, sheltered from cold, drying winds and protected from early morning sun.

Camellia E.G. Waterhouse is a hardy variety with bright pink blooms suitable for harsher conditions; Camellia Adolphe Audusson produces large, saucer-shaped, semi-double dark red flowers with prominent yellow stamens; Camellia Desire has white flowers that become pink tinged towards the edges; and Camellia Donation for free-flowering, light pink blooms which smother the bush throughout spring.

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5-7 Litre pot
Buy Camellia japonica 'Alba Plena' online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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35-40 Litre pot* (100-120cm stem, 40-50cm head)
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35-40 Litre pot* (100-120cm stem, 40-50cm head)
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3-4 Litre pot

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