Carex plants
Commonly known as Sedge, Carex is a large group of perennial grasses with beautiful, triangular, strap-like tufted foliage. The group includes a mix of deciduous and evergreen ornamental grasses with different varieties being suitable for a range of conditions from sun to shade and dry to wet. Carex plants are perfect for growing in the border, rock garden, containers or as marginal plants around ponds or water features. Producing spikes of small green or brown flowers in late summer or early autumn, they are unfussy and easy to grow and their versatility means there is a Carex grass suitable for virtually all sites and situations.
Low growing varieties such as Carex Evergold are well suited as companion plants alongside Liriope in traditional Japanese gardens. Alternatively, Carex testacea is a beautiful wispy evergreen with stunning bronzy-orange foliage when grown in full sun that combines well with perennial plants or other grasses and is suitable for growing in a container. In fact, any of the variegated varieties look stunning as the centre-piece in a container, either singly on the patio or either side of a doorway or entrance to give a more informal appearance.