Evergreen fern plants
Ferns are versatile, pre-historic plants that are unfussy growers and untroubled by pests and diseases. Evergreen ferns provide year-round greenery, perfect for under-planting below larger shrubs or filling tricky, dark spots where little else will survive. Each frond has an intricate, delicately divided, architectural pinnate leaf form with fine hairs on the leaf margins, which can be crinkled and papery, graceful and feathery or bold and architectural. It is a thrill to watch the fronds unfurl into colours ranging from classic green to silver and bronze, knowing that you're seeing the same feat of nature that a slightly observant dinosaur would have witnessed millions of years ago. Ferns are shade loving plants, growing best in dappled shade rather than complete darkness, making them perfect for acting as a graceful backdrop to showier plants such as flowering or berry-producing shrubs.