Juniper conifer plants
Juniper conifers are well-loved evergreens, perfect for brightening up the winter garden. They have small, narrow, needle-like foliage in shades of blue, green or gold with silvery bands on the inner side and curving slightly to a prickly point. Juniperus plants, to use their Latin name, have greyish-brown bark which peels away with age, giving an attractive rustic appearance. They're long-lived and best known for their use in gin-making. Juniper produces masses of fleshy, aromatic, berry-like cones. These start off green before maturing to purple-black over the course of about 18 months and are best collected from September to December. Birds love indulging on the berries, making Juniper conifers ideal for attracting wildlife to your garden, as well as providing dense cover for nesting.