Climbing plants for a north facing wall
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, meaning north facing walls receive the least sun, making them cooler, shaded places. This generally represents less than ideal growing conditions but there are still plenty of climbers that are suitable. Some excellent climbing plants for north facing walls include chocolate vine (akebia quinata), clematis armandii, clematis montana, climbing hydrangea, ivy plants, several varieties of lonicera and virginia creeper. Akebia quinata, commonly known as chocolate vine, is a more unusual, exotic variety producing beautiful purple flowers with a spicy fragrance. Clematis Armandii is a large, early flowering, vigorous, evergreen climber, with dark glossy green leaves and saucer shaped, scented white single flowers. There are also several types of wall shrub that will succeed on a north facing wall, generally with a slower growth rate than true climbers, making them easier to keep in check once established. For colourful berries, consider training varieties of pyracantha, or for long, silky, silver flower tassels in winter look no further than the silk tassel bush. Cotoneaster horizontalis and euonymus are other wall shrubs that work well.