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Sprouting Seeds Rocket Vegetable Seeds (Unwins)

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At a Glance

  • Variety: Sprouting Seeds

Add spice to salads, stir-fries and sandwiches.

Rich in anti-oxidants and Vitamins A, B, C and E.

Easy to grow all year round.


Sprouting Seeds Rocket Seeds Unwins Sowing Time and Spacing


Leaf iconSowing Time

January - December

Leaf iconSowing Indoors

Unwins sprouting seeds can be grown successfully on any warm, light windowsill which is not in full sun all day. Place two layers of absorbent growing medium, like kitchen roll, into a shallow dish or tray. These should be thoroughly wet, but drained of excess water. Sow the seed fairly thickly over the wet growing medium. Place the dish in a warm, light airy position. Maintain a temperature of around 15 degrees Celsuis (60 Fahrenheit). Keep the sowing moist but not saturated. This will ensure rapid germination. Depending on the exact growing conditions, the young seedlings should be ready for harvesting with a pair of scissors five to ten days after sowing.

Leaf iconHarvest

Harvest the shoots when they are about 2cm (1in) long, just as the green leaves begin to appear. Rinse the shoots and use immediately in salads, sandwiches or stir-fry dishes.


Sprouting Seeds Rocket Seeds Unwins Growing Tips

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