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Cress Land American Salad Vegetable Seeds (Unwins)

8 item(s)

At a Glance

  • Variety: Cress

Land cress is the next best thing to watercress.

Best in a shady spot with plenty of moisture.

Leaves can be picked all year round.


Cress (Land) American Salad Seeds Unwins Sowing Time and Spacing


Leaf iconSowing Time

March - September

Leaf iconSowing Indoors

Prepare ground for sowing by raking to produce an even surface. Sow thinly in pre-watered rows and cover with a little soil. Allow 30cm (12in) between rows. Keep soil moist until seedlings are established.

Leaf iconThinning

When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin them to about 15cm (6in) apart. Later thin them further to around 30cm (12in) apart.

Leaf iconAftercare

Water freely, especially in dry weather, to ensure a good supply of succulent leaves.

Leaf iconHarvest

All year round. Gather young leaves and tops of young shoots for use in salads.


Cress (Land) American Salad Seeds Unwins Growing Tips


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