Half Hardy Annual Flower Seeds

Half hardy annual flower seeds are perfect for adding vibrant or pastel colours to your patio containers, hanging baskets, beds and borders. Annuals are plants that last one year, performing their entire life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single growing season with all roots, stems and leaves of the plant dying annually. Half hardy annuals are frost tender, meaning they do not survive the frost outdoors. For this reason, they must be sown indoors, for example in a greenhouse, and planted out later in the year when the risk of frost has passed. In contrast, hardy annual seeds will stand up to the cold, meaning they can be sown outdoors straight into the site where you want them to flower, rather than needing to be nurtured indoors first. We sell all of your favourite half hardy bedding plants, including aster, busy lizzie, calendula, cosmos, cottage garden mixes, marigolds, nasturtium, sunflowers and sweet peas. We also offer the Unwins Nature’s Haven range of flower seeds for attracting wildlife to your garden. If there are any other types or brands of flower seeds you would like us to consider adding to our range, please let us know.

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