Great in containers.
Easy to grow.
Peppery tasting leaves and flowers.
Sowing Time
Indoors: March - April
Outdoors: April - June
Sowing Indoors
Level fill a tray with seed compost firming with the base of another tray. Water well with a fine rose. Scatter seeds thinly covering seeds with 1cm (1/2 in) compost. Place in a propagator at 15-20 degree Celsius (60-70 Fahrenheit) or cover tray with cling film and leave in a warm room.
Growing On
When shoots appear, remove cling film. Keep seedlings in a light position, but shade from direct sunlight. When large enough to handle, transplant 5cm (2in) apart to trays of potting compost or singly into small pots. Grow on in a minimum temperature of 10 degree Celsius (50 Fahrenheit).
Hardening Off/Planting Out
Gradually accustom plants to outside conditions for 2-3 weeks before planting out 30cm (12in) apart when risk of frost has passed. Water well until established.
Sowing Outdoors
Sow seeds in pre-watered soil at a depth of 2cm (1in) in their flowering positions. Keep soil moist until seedlings emerge, and water well in dry spells. Thin seedlings to around 30cm (12in) apart.
Flowering Time
June - September
Special Note
Nasturtiums do best in poor soils without feeding. Can be used in companion planting schemes for chemical free growing.