Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs are woody plants that drop their leaves in the autumn, often in a fabulous display of majestic foliage colours in shades of reds, oranges and burgundy, before coming back into leaf again each spring. It’s best practice to combine a mix of evergreen shrubs and deciduous varieties in your garden. Evergreens will retain their leaves all year round and provide permanent structure and year-round foliage colour, while deciduous shrubs will offer you the autumnal interest that no garden should be without. Many happy childhood memories are made catching falling leaves from shrubs and trees! They can also be gathered to create leaf mould, which can be used as an organic source of nutrients for acid-loving ericaceous plants. Deciduous shrubs are low-maintenance, long-lived disease free plants. Even during the winter when their stems are bare, there is a natural artistic beauty in the silhouettes they create in the landscape. There is a wide range of varieties to choose from boasting a range of seasonal features such as flowers, berries, fruit and attractive bark.

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