Pyracantha hedging plants
Shop our full range of pyracantha hedging plants, the perfect spiny, evergreen, berrying shrub for an intruder-proof hedge or screen. Pyracantha are delightful, thorny bushes grown for their attractive displays of glossy autumn berries in fiery shades of oranges, reds and yellows. The berries first appear in late summer, ripen through the autumn and will stay on the plant until early spring if left untouched. For maximum impact, plant a mix of different varieties to create an explosion of different colours. The berries are preceded by beautiful clusters of small white, highly fragrant flowers in June which clothe the plant in a snowy white canvas. Hardy and resilient, Pyracantha are similar in many ways to Cotoneaster but with toothed leaves and spiny stems. They are particularly valuable for their ability to intensify a garden’s atmosphere whilst also keeping out unwanted intruders. Once established, intruder proof hedging is a highly effective, natural, environmentally-friendly security feature with thick, dense foliage that will keep thieves, vandals and general trouble makers out of your garden. Just the sight of a vicious spiny plant stops most intruders in their tracks - the last thing they’ll want to do is risk seriously hurting themselves on the spines, ripping their clothing or leaving behind incriminating evidence. Pyracantha becomes more effective as a security feature the thicker and stronger they grows. They succeed on all soils, including chalk and require little attention other than annual pruning.