Check Here Before Buying – Pot Size Matters...Not all websites offer the same. Plants in a 2-litre pot have twice the root system of a P9 or 1 litre pot.


Check Here Before Buying – Pot Size Matters...Not all websites offer the same. Plants in a 2 litre pot have twice the root system of a P9 or 1 litre pot.


Rocket Herb Seeds (Unwins)

Out of Stock

Fast growing leafy herb.

Distinctively sharp and spicy flavour.

Sow little and often for a continuous supply.


Rocket Seeds Unwins Sowing Time and Spacing


Leaf iconSowing Time

Indoors: January - December

Outdoors: March - October

Leaf iconSowing Indoors

Sow thinly into pots of multipurpose compost (1.3cm or 1/2in deep) and cover lightly with more compost. Put the pot in a warm place (10-15 degrees Celsuis) such as a windowsill and keep moist.

Leaf iconSowing Outdoors

Sow seeds thinly in a shallow, pre-watered row. Lightly cover seeds with a little soil. Allow 30cm (12in) between rows. Seedlings do not usually require thinning. Keep soil moist. Remember small sowings made every three weeks ensure a continuous supply.

Leaf iconAftercare

Water plants generously in dry weather. Sowings made in very warm weather benefit from shade protection. Sowings made in autumn benefit from cloche protection.

Leaf iconHarvest

Indoors: January - December

Outdoors: April - December

Pick leaves young for best flavour.


Rocket Seeds Unwins Growing Tips


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