Shrubs with purple flowers

Shops our range of flowering shrubs with purple blooms, spanning pastel shades of perwinkle and pale heather purple through bright violets and magentas to deep, rich hues of mulberry and raisin. Some of our purple blooming bushes include aucuba, buddleia, hazel, fuchsia, hebe, lavender, syringa and vinca. Purple contrasts well with pale oranges and yellows as they are opposite on the colour wheel and also combine well with mid to light greens. Many also have delightful fragrance.

Buy Vinca minor Argenteovariegata (Variegated Perwinkle) online from Jacksons Nurseries
2-3 Litre pot
Out of stock
Buy Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata' (Variegated Lesser Periwinkle) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
In stock
1.5-2 Litre pot

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