Horse friendly hedging plants

Horse friendly hedging is a subject close to our hearts as we are based in the Staffordshire Moorlands where there is a lot of keen equestrian folk. Horse proof and safe hedging makes an excellent alternative to post and rail fencing or wire fence with a top layer of timber or plastic tubing, both of which have their drawbacks. Our horse friendly hedging serves four main purposes: (1) provides shelter from wind and rain in the winter and flies in the summer; (2) keeps your horses in your grounds and prevents other animals from getting in; (3) supplements your horses’ diet; and (4) provides food and shelter for wildlife. The most cost effective option is a hedge made entirely of hawthorn, also known as quick thorn, which forms the backbone of almost all country hedging. To add variety, consider mixing at least 50% hawthorn with other varieties such as hornbeam, field maple, hazel and dog rose.

Available November - March
Available November - March
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£6.99 £2.99
2 Litre pot
Available November - March
50-70cm, 1+1 (Bare Root)
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2 Litre pot
Available November - March
Available November - March
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2 Litre pot
Available November - March
60-80cm, 1+1 (Bare Root)
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Available November - March
60-80cm, 1+1 (Bare Root)
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Available November - March
40-60cm, 1-2 breaks (Bare Root)
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