Nasturtium Flower Seeds

Nasturtium are easy to grow, vibrant annual flowers, available in bushy, cascading and climbing forms. They’re perfect for growing in beds, borders, patio containers and hanging baskets with single or semi-double blooms, typically in summery shades of reds, yellows and oranges. They’ll stand up to pollution in city and courtyard gardens, while being equally at home in cottage and informal style plantings. Climbing forms look stunning up trellises, to brighten walls and fences, growing up obelisks and arches or even through other plants. These versatile growers are fully edible with peppery tasting leaves and flowers that can provide colour and give a crisp, peppery kick to salads. Some gardeners even use Nasturtium to lure aphids away from other plants in the garden; they’re highly attractive to aphids, making it easier to gather and destroy all aphids in one place. They thrive on neglect - in fact, too rich a soil or too much fertiliser results in fewer blooms. The seed coat may be manipulated for faster germination when growing nasturtium; nick the seed or soak overnight in lukewarm water. The seedpods have a similar appearance to capers with a similar taste, giving them the alternative name of “poor man’s capers”.

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