Trees for small gardens

Trees are perfect for adding height and permanency to your outdoor space but it’s important to do your research. Pay particular attention to the eventual height of the tree you’re looking to buy and how this compares to the space you have available. Tree that initially look small and slow growing could over time outgrow their allotted space, potentially blocking out light and interfering with the foundations of your house. We have hand-picked a selection of the best small-growing trees offering beautiful flowers, fruit and foliage which will not outgrow their surroundings in small to medium sized gardens. These can be used to provide privacy, act as a focal point or break up an area of lawn. If you’re keen to attract birds into your garden, choose a tree with berries and provide perches and potential nesting sites nearby. Alternatively, for an abundant harvest for yourself, consider a fruit tree – these are available on different rootstocks which dictate their eventual height. Some smaller trees, particularly standards, are suitable for growing in a container, allowing you to move them around and provide frost protection more easily in the winter. Consider choosing a shrub instead if you’re looking for something really small – many can be grown in such a way as to lift their crown, giving the appearance of a small tree whilst being shorter in stature.

Buy Prunus triloba (Flowering Cherry Almond Tree) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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7-10 Litre pot (60-80cm stem)
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7-10 Litre pot* (60-80cm stem)
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2 Litre pot (40-60cm stem)
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3-5 Litre pot (60-80cm stem)
Buy Ulmus parvifolia 'Geisha' (Dwarf Chinese Elm) online from Jacksons Nurseries
3-5 Litre pot (60-80cm stem)
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