Best roses for cut flowers

There is little more rewarding and satisfying that cutting your own crop of garden roses and displaying them in a vase indoors for friends, family and visitors to appreciate. Cut roses are a sign that summer has truly arrived and are a great way to add colour and fragrance to your indoor space. Hybrid tea roses are best for cut flowers as they produce large, shapely, highly fragrant blooms from high-centred buds on long, straight stems. These are produced one per stem, typically in three flushes between summer and late autumn.

Hybrid teas have an upright growth habit, generally sparsely foliaged, and prefer a position in full sun with at least 6 hours sunlight per day. Originally bred as a cross between hybrid perpetual and polyantha roses, they're well-suited to growing in groups of odd numbers in the rose garden, mixed borders or along a fence line. They're available in a range of colours spanning soft pinks to deep reds, lilac to vibrant yellow and perfect white to apricot. When planting roses, double dig the soil to eliminate compaction and help the spread of their long tap roots.

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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Lover's Meeting online from Jacksons Nurseries Save 31%
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Mister Lincoln online from Jacksons Nurseries
3-4 Litre pot
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Buy Rosa National Trust (Hybrid Tea) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Pascali online from Jacksons Nurseries Save 31%
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3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Precious Memories (Hybrid Tea Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
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7-10 Litre pot* (Standard/100cm stem)
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot
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3-4 Litre pot (Bush)

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