Fast growing conifers

Fast growing conifers are commonly used for hedging where the aim is to create a high screen as quickly as possible. This could be to provide privacy from nosey neighbours, protect against strong winds or fend off noise and air pollution. Tall conifers form a dense, evergreen screen that's particularly useful for urban and suburban areas with lots of traffic. Leylandii tend to grow the quickest at 75-90cm (2.5-3 feet) per year and will grow to 12 metres+ if left unchecked - so we suggest committing to clip them back twice a year. But fast growing doesn't always mean tall growing - there are some fast growing spreading conifers too, such as Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' and Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue'. These both make fantastic evergreen ground-cover plants with a low, spreading growth habit and blue-hue to the foliage. Others such as Scots Pine are best grown individually as specimen trees - Scots Pine has a bare, straight trunk topped with a rounded mass of grey-green needles.

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