Squash Seeds

Squash are fun and easy to grow, producing a bountiful crop in a huge range of colours, shapes and sizes with a sweet, nutty flavour and excellent storage qualities, making a great addition to any vegetable patch. Pumpkins aren’t the only type of squash that can be used to make filling and delicious soups, tray bakes, stews, curries and risottos. Sow squash through spring and summer for a crop ready to harvest in the winter months. Seeds are best started indoors, sown individually on edge in small pots of moist seed compost 2cm (1in) deep. Grow in the warmth 15-18 degrees Celsius and cover the pots with cling film until seedlings emerge. Gradually accustom young plants to conditions outside for 2-3 weeks before planting out to their cropping positions when danger of frost has passed. Allow about 90cm (36in) between plants. There are lots of seeds in squash, which are packed fill of nutrition and make a tasty treat. Simply roast them in an oven on a baking tray with maple syrup drizzled over if you have a sweet tooth. Choose Squash Uchiki Kuri for vibrant orange squashes with wonderful golden flesh and a sweet, nutty flavour and stores particularly well. Alternatively, if you’re short on space, Squash Patty Pan Sunburst produces masses of bright yellow, butter-coloured patty pan fruits that can be steamed and served whole.

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