Carrot Seeds

Carrots are one of the most versatile ground vegetables, used in a huge range of dishes whether roasted, steamed or baked, including soups, salads, Sunday roasts, Christmas dinner, carrot fries and, of course, carrot cake! Carrots bought from the shops can contain unsavoury pesticide residues; growing and harvesting your own is a great way to get superior taste while going chemical free. The key to growing high quality carrots is to get the soil conditions right – a light, rich soil that’s been improved with well-rotted organic matter is key. If you’ve chuckled in bemusement at your crop of forked or otherwise mid-shaped carrots in the past, the soil conditions are most likely where you’ve gone wrong. If there are any large stones or clods in your soil, your carrots will try to grow around them. Choose Carrot Autumn King 2 seeds for superb carrot flavour, natural fly resistance and large, heavy roots. Alternatively, Carrot Early Scarlet Horn seeds are perfect for containers, producing very early crops from fleeced February sowings and cope well with stony or shallow soils. Carrot Flyaway F1 is another early cropping variety, British bred of the Nantes type, producing a fast, reliable crop. Carrots can also be a great choice to grow with children, in which case our Little Growers Carrot Nantes 2 seeds are the perfect choice.

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