Apple 'Fuji' is one of the most attractive modern apple varieties with beautiful yellow-green fruit flushed with pick speckles. Snapping cleanly from the tree, the apples are crisp and juicy with dull white flesh. It has a sweet, refreshing flavour, especially if slightly chilled. As the name suggests, Fuji comes from Japan, developed in the late 1930s at Tohuku Fruit Research station. It is now one of the leading apple varieties worldwide, grown widely in Japan, China, USA and across the northern hemisphere. Fuji apples need lots of sun to ripen properly.
Root Stock: MM106
2 year+ stock with established heads.
Buying Fruit Trees/Bushes from Jacksons Nurseries
Our trees might be Freshly Potted and the root system may not be fully established, and loose soil may occur when unpacking.
Unlike many garden centres, supermarkets and some nurseries here at Jacksons Nurseries we sell the majority of our stock all year round. Our stock is for the most part grown outdoors making it far hardier than those grown under glass and/or only sold ‘In Season’.
Here at Jacksons Nurseries we would favour a hardy outdoor grown plant every time. They are far less likely to suffer from the shock of being planted in colder conditions and they will begin to establish more rapidly the following spring. This can mean that they don’t look like a ‘picture perfect’ plant when purchased out of season but with the correct care and a little time you’ll have a wonderful plant to enjoy for many years to come.
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